You can begin the journey of the Spirit at any place and at any time. It is true that God will eventually find you wherever you are and awaken your Spirit but why wait? Start the journey within now.
The first step is to begin and read the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If you don’t like reading, you can listen to the four accounts of the Gospel on Youtube. If this is your first time hearing about the Gospel of Jesus Christ there are four accounts: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. They all will be found in the New Testament of the Bible. Here is the link to listen to the Gospel of John. You can find the others accounts of Jesus’ life on Youtube as well.
The second step is believing and accepting that Jesus Christ is the perfect outward manifestation of the Spirit of God and that through his thoughts, words, and deeds, that by his life’s example, that Jesus will lead the way to your Spirit so that you may live forever in the Kingdom of Heaven with God the Father. As Jesus states in the Gospel of John 14:6 “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” It is the I AM that I AM (God’s name) that is within you that is the ME of which Jesus speaks. It is that Spirit of the I AM within you and the example that Jesus showed to all of humanity that will lead the way to remember and to know the Father, the creator of all that is, that dwells within you as YOU.
It is through that Divine and loving intimate relationship that we become to know KNOW and remember God and therefore WHO WE ARE. It is that awareness that allows us access to the Kingdom of Heaven within and therefore access to the Kingdom of Heaven when we shift awareness from the physical to the Heavenly kingdom to reign forever and ever with Jesus Christ. If you do not come to KNOW GOD and maintain that awareness in the physical it is impossible to experience the fullness of God when you depart this physical realm.
Therefore, it is not sufficient to just accept Jesus as your Savior like many “Christians” do. That is only a step in the right direction. The road is narrow and there are few that find it. The Bible does not say that everyone just by accepting Jesus as your savior will go to heaven. It states, there are FEW that find it. Will you be one of the few? It is not an easy proposition and not for the faint of heart. It takes dedication and persistence. There will be many falls and pitfalls and errors along the way but that is OK. In order to know the WAY to ever lasting life, we must become like Jesus spiritually or better yet, REMEMBER WHO WE ARE. We must begin to embark upon that quest of Spiritual perfection of remembering and maintaining that awareness. We, too, must become the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE as best as we can during our physical experience on earth. How is that possible you ask? By God’s loving grace we begin the journey within.
So let’s get started. “Come With Me ”